Not Just for Salads or Charcuterie Boards: How Olives Are Transforming Beauty Formulations
When you think of olives, your mind probably goes to Mediterranean cuisine, a charcuterie board, or perhaps dipping bread in a drizzle of...

Keep Your Peace: Cultivating Calm with Aromatherapy
Life is full of challenges and finding peace amidst the chaos can feel daunting, but aromatherapy can help. I’ve recently felt a real...

Support Your New Year’s Fitness Resolutions with Aromatherapy
Women exercising outdoors The start of a new year often comes with renewed energy to focus on health and fitness goals. Whether you're...

A New Twist on New Year's Resolutions... A To Don't List
As I was walking with my husband the other day I asked if he had any New Year's resolutions. As expected he confidently and firmly said...

Balms Away! Why Lip Oils Might Be Your New Go-To
When it comes to lip care, balms and oils are two popular options, each with its own unique benefits. Here at Aromatic Formulations by...

8 Tips for Staying Healthy During Cold and Flu Season
This time of year is full of family and community get togethers, travel, food, and holiday fun. And unfortunately, also germs… As I was...

Making the Most of Your Essential Oils – Immune Support, Germ Fighting Blends in the Spotlight
Do you have an essential oil kit or blends at home but feel unsure about how to use them? You’re not alone. Many people feel excited to...

Exploring the Mindfulness of Vitex Berry (Vitex agnus-castus)
By Tricia Ambroziak, NAHA Certified Professional Aromatherapist® This article originally appeared in the National Association of Holistic...

Create Holiday Joy: A Diffuser Blend for the Season that Offers a Whole Lot More...
As the holiday season approaches, it’s the perfect time to set a festive and joyful mood at home. Wonderful aromas can elevate spirits,...

Zinc Ricinoleate: The Natural Deodorant Game Changer
In the world of natural deodorants, finding an effective solution that neutralizes odor more naturally can be challenging. One ingredient...