Nourishing the Nervous System: The Science Behind Three of my Favorite Essential Oils, Herbs, and Br
On the Be Kekoa Apothecary Facebook site, I shared three of my favorite essential oils and herbs along with a four-square breathing...
The Endocannabinoid System and How CBD Can Support It.
I've been meaning to write this blog post for some time but finally getting it done. A couple weeks ago a hemp industry expert shared her...
How and Why to Dilute Essential Oils -- Key Information the Dilution Charts May Miss...
Clients often ask about using blends I've created for them on their skin. The answer depends on several factors. 1. What oils are in the...
Supporting Digestive Health with Fermented Foods You Can Make at Home
I recently shared a FB live on the Be Kekoa Apothecary site with my friend Frieda Hall about the benefits of fermented foods and...