Truth Serum: Investigating "100% Natural" Beauty Care Claims
In the world of personal care products I see the phrase "100% Natural" a lot. And then I look at the ingredient list. And often the...

The Scent of Relief: Aromatherapy Techniques for Managing Allergies.
As the saying goes, April showers bring May flowers. And after a particular rainy season that we really needed Southern California is...

I C You... Demystifying Vitamin C in Wellness and Skincare
You've probably heard of vitamin C, but ever wonder why it's used in skincare or how it supports wellness? In 1747 by Scottish physician...

From Tea to Skincare: Five Ways Lemongrass Can Enhance Your Wellness Routine
What seems like eons ago, I moved from Pennsylvania to San Francisco and settled in the Sunset district with my husband. I have fond...

Five Skin Care Myths You Should Stop Believing.
Have you ever spent countless hours and money on skincare routines, only to find that your skin is still not quite where you want it to...

"How the World's Most Popular Morning Beverage, is Secretly Boosting Your Health and Productivity"
While I'm formulating I enjoy listening to podcasts -- especially on fill days. One day I was listening to a show about foods that...

Aromatherapy for Personal and Workplace Wellness
I had the privilege of speaking at Hera Hub Temecula recently and taught a workshop on aromatherapy and how to create an aroma inhaler....

Panthenol and it's Benefits in Skin and Hair Care
Originally discovered in 1931 by chemist Roger Williams and its amazing benefits later touted in the 1940's in skin and hair care, brands...

Stress Less with this Aroma Inhaler Blend
If one thing is certain it's that there are lots of things outside of our control. Life can be full of change, challenge, and stress. But...

Love Essential Oils? Here's a Way to Enjoy Their Therapeutic Benefits at Work and On the Go
I was at a vendor event recently and was doing an aromatherapy demo and the one thing I most remember is the smiles of individuals as...