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Two Minute DIY Essential Oil Shower Gel

A great way to enjoy the benefits of essential oils on a regular basis is to incorporate them into your personal products. One way I love doing this is by making my own shower gel. When I make gel for myself I make a small amount that will only last a few weeks and use an ultra clean container so I don't have to worry about a preservative. (If you are making batches for others or to sell you will need to look into adding a preservative for water based products). This version is super simple, contains only a few ingredients, and literally takes minutes to make.

I love how versatile this gel is as well. I can vary the essential oils for my wellness needs and add little boosters to help my skin, wellness, or emotional needs. For example I love using peppermint and rosemary for an invigorating gel that helps wake you up and supports energy and adrenal health. I like adding a bit of carrot seed essential oil for it's skin nourishing and tonic properties as well. But if you'd prefer a more relaxing blend lavender and frankincense perhaps with a bit of eucaplytus would be a great blend. Both lavender and frankincense are soothing and good for the skin and are great overall tonics for the body. Eucaplytus is refreshing and opens up the airways. A bit of citrus can be nice too. Grapefruit and rosemary or lemon and rosemary would be wonderful -- since it's a wash off product you can use oils even if they are photo-toxic. Citrus is uplifting and toning -- just be careful not to add too much as it can be irritating for some. Adding in a drop of oil such as palo santo, carrot seed, chamomile, rose, ylang-ylang, or basil can help support the body emotionally and act as a tonic to the body as well. You can also choose oils that help detoxify, decongest, encourage, uplift, soothe aches, support sleep, reduce tension, and such.

In addition to changing the essential oil you can vary the fixed oil to help support skin health. I like using jojoba wax as it is much like the skin's natural sebum and absorbs well. You can just as easily choose avocado oil, fractionated coconut oil, apricot kernel, almond, or a number of other oils that can help soothe dry skin and promote skin health in a variety of ways.

Thus this basic recipe can be altered to produce a product that you love and that supports your wellness needs and nourishes your skin.

Two Minute Shower gel:

This basic recipe is castille soap, glycerine, jojoba, and essential oils.

To a clean 8 oz bottle add

1/2 cup castille soap (preferably organic)

1 tablespoon jojoba (preferably organic)

1/2 teaspoon of vegetable glycerine (thickens the gel)

10-20 drops of essential oils of your choice. (preferably organic or wildcrafted)

A combination of oils I enjoy is

4-8 drops peppermint* -- invigorating and refreshing. Will wake you up in the morning.

4-8 drops rosemary -- good for adrenal support, energizing, and soothes sore muscles.

1-2 drops carrot seed -- great for skin and good general tonic

*Peppermint can be icy-hot on the skin and can be a bit too much for some. I personally love the cooling and invigorating effect but some people don't care for it -- a good substitute would be eucaplytus or a milder spearmint essential oil.

Combine ingredients, cap bottle, and shake gently before using. Use a small amount on a loofa or wash cloth and enjoy your fragrant shower.

I generally like to keep my gel at 5 drops of essential oil per ounce or less. Other essential oils to try include lavender, frankincense, cedarwood, cypress, juniper berry, palmarosa, Roman chamomile, ylang-ylang, patchouli, myrrh, tea- tree, lemongrass, grapefruit, lemon, mandarin, lime, or orange to name a few (just note that high oxide oils like lemongrass or citrus oils can potential be irritating so keep amounts under 5 drops per ounce).

Making your own shower gel is an easy and fun way to enjoy the benefits of essential oils in your daily routine especially with this two minute recipe.

If you have essential oil or aromatherapy questions or would like a consult, custom product, appointment, or class contact Tricia or send an email to

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Aromatic Formulations by Tricia 

Tel: 650-296-1752


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I understand that the Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated the therapeutic suggestions or any statements made on this website about essential oils, carriers or other products offered by Aromatic Formulations by Tricia LLC (AFT)


The statements made on this website are for educational purposes and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


The data on this website is not considered complete and is not guaranteed to be accurate.


Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking treatment based on something you've read or accessed through  this website. Tricia Ambroziak is a professional aromatherapist and cosmetic formulator but not a licensed health care professional.


 I understand that essential oils and aromatherapy are not a substitute for professional medical care. I understand that the products being sold by ABT are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.


Aromatic Formulations creates high performance high performance sustainable skin and hair care product, including anti-aging serum and face cream for dry skin and salon quality shampoo and conditioner bars. Ingredients may vary slightly on website vs packaging. Please refer to package label for ingredients in a particular product.

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