A New Twist on New Year's Resolutions... A To Don't List

As I was walking with my husband the other day I asked if he had any New Year's resolutions. As expected he confidently and firmly said "no!".
As we ring in the new year many of us however feel differently. We want to do better, feel better, make changes and say yes to resolutions.
But the sad truth is "resolutions" often get left by the wayside after weeks or months. While we want to do better sticking to new habits can frankly be hard.
But reframing how we make better choices might help. A "To Don't" list is like drawing a line in the sand we won't cross.
It's like making a promise to ourselves like we would a friend.
For example if you want to "wake up earlier" you might add to your "To Don't" list -- I don't hit the snooze button.
That way you can decide what "waking up early" means to you -- 4 am, 6 am, 8 am? and choose to set an alarm for that time and decide I am a person who does NOT hit the snooze when I chose to get up at this time.
Or perhaps you can decide you don't leave your bedroom until you make your bed or do 10 pushups or weigh yourself.
Perhaps instead of getting healthier or losing weight you can decide you don't watch TV until after you work out or you don't eat after 7 pm.
For me personally I found I was getting distracted by my phone. Looking at emails, IG posts, news and I decided to add looking at my phone to my "To Don't" list.
Lately I don't look at my phone until I've read and taken care of morning chores. Then I allow myself to check email, instagram, and news and then put my phone away until later in the day.
I've decided I don't look at my phone during the afternoon so I'm not distracted by it.
And I often use this in my daily life -- for example I don't eat until after I finish my workout or chore. It couples something I need a little motivation for with something I'm looking forward to so I get things done.
How about you? Are you a fan of resolutions? Of to do lists?
Does a "To Don't" list sound helpful? What are your thoughts?
Aromatic blessings,