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An Attitude of Gratitude and Aromatic Ambiance

Research suggests gratitude can help us build friendships, improve health, enhance mental well-being, support more restful sleep, and enhance empathy and self-esteem.

However the chaos of life can sometimes make it hard to take time to appreciate life's simple joys. And truth be told, the older I get, the more tempting it is to long for the past.

I miss the beauty and vigor of young adulthood. I miss watching my kids grown up. I miss people that have moved away or passed away. I missed opportunities or wish I had begun earlier.

But if I get stuck in the past, I’ll miss what this time has to offer. I'll miss the joys of today. That’s why I think it’s so important to be intentional about being grateful for the now.

And ironically in the past I would sometimes long for the future – to mature to the next level, graduate, grow up; I longed for my kids to get a little older and out of diapers and more independent; to change jobs; to get to the next thing.

As the saying goes, the present is a gift.

I know that 5 or 10 years for now I may not have some of what I have today so instead of looking backward or forward I must remember to enjoy the now.

Make the call, visit the person, do what I can with what I have, see the challenges as opportunities to grow, enjoy the little and the big things and find joy in the day in even the smallest of things. Practice gratitude for yourself and others.

We can be intentional about this by combining it with other habits we already have. For example if you take time to have coffee and read the news each morning try creating an ambient atmosphere and incorporating a gratitude exercise. After you drop off the kids at school. Incorporate it into your exercise routine or perhaps find time before you cook dinner or have a nightly cup or tea or glass of wine. Stacking it with a routine you already have makes it more likely you'll practice it. And by taking time to practice gratitude you will reap the positive benefits of it mentioned above.

Here is a blend to try to create an atmosphere of mindfulness and calm and a few simple exercises to practice gratitude:

Calming Ambiance Blend: Add the following essential oils to your diffuser and enjoy:

1 drop Citrus bergamia (bergamot) essential oil

1-2 drops Mentha x piperita (peppermint) essential oil

1-2 drops Lavandula angustifolia (lavender) essential oil

1-2 drops Citrus limon (lemon) essential oil

Turn this blend into an inhaler by adding 5 drops of each essential oils to the wick of an inhaler. Add oils drop-wise to the wick. Once the oils are added to the wick and it’s inside the tube cap the inhaler. Add label. To use: uncap and place under nostril. Inhale. Repeat on other side. For more details on how to create an aroma inhaler click here to watch the aroma inhaler video or here for a more detailed blog post.

Ways to practice gratitude:

1. In a journal or diary take time to write down a few things you are grateful for each day.

2. Gratitude walks: Get outdoors and note the sights, sounds, smells, and sensations around you coupled with a grateful state of mind. You can do this alone or with another person.

3. Gratitude meditation or prayer: Get into a comfortable position and close your eyes. Take some deep breaths and notice the sounds, aromas, and sensations around you and acknowledge your gratefulness for them. Turn your thoughts to yourself. Appreciate and give thanks for your uniqueness and beauty. And lastly rest in the truth that life is a precious gift. Enjoy the richness of experiencing it. Have gratitude for what you can do and what you have.

How do you enjoy practicing gratitude? What simple things bring you joy?

Aromatic blessings,



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